In this volume, selected articles from all issues published so far are presented to show the bandwidth of our journal - and, of course, to inspire the public to quote it and to submit papers! Please note that this does NOT go with the notion of a "best of" - production. The articles chosen are representative. The other ones, of course, are excellent as well.
I. Presentation of JRFM
Editors 9
General Information 10
Academic Profile 12
Assessments of Scholarly Quality 13
II. Selected Articles 2015–2018
JRFM 1/1, 2015, 45–56
Mia Lövheim
(Re)Making a Difference. Religion, Mediatisation and Gender
JRFM 1/1, 2015, 23–30
Roger Odin
Religion and Communication Spaces. A Semio-Pragmatic Approach
JRFM 2/1, 2016, 15–22
Stefan Lorenz Sorgner
The Pedigree of Dualistic and Non-Dualistic Media. Grasping Extramedial Meanings
JRFM 2/2, 2016, 33–44
Walter Lesch
Realistic Humanism. Luc Dardenne as a Philosopher and Filmmaker
JRFM 3/1, 2017, 123–155
Ken Derry/Daniel White Hodge/Laurel Zwissler/
Stanley Talbert/Matthew J. Cressler/Jon Ivan Gill
Bulletproof Love. LUKE CAGE (2016) and Religion
JRFM 3/2, 2017, 37–51
Celica Fitz/Anna Matter
SinnRäume – An Exhibition on Contemporary Religion in Germany. Exhibition Practice as a Medium in Religious Studies
JRFM 4/1, 2018, 63–77
Freek L. Bakker
Intercultural Perspectives on DAS RADIKAL BÖSE and THE ACT OF KILLING. Similarities and Dissimilarities in Coping with Trauma in Indonesia and Germany, in Southeast Asia and Europe
JRFM 4/2, 2018, 55–66
Arno Haldemann
Charivari or the Historicising of a Question. The Irrelevance of Romantic Love for the Audio-Visual Performance of Marriage in Bern in the 18th and 19th Centuries